Special Vocation Prayer

Birthday Wishes for Serra Members and Seminarians

Your Prayers are requested for:

Text Box: For the Families of our Serra Members , Saint Charles Seminary to guide our seminarians in their religious life to all of our Sisters and Religious Vocations.  We Pray for James Jones and Bob O’Malley and a Special prayer for Hilda Kern “ God Bless you all! And we Pray for you and all of your family! * Look for our Prayer page coming in January 2012.

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Volume MMX No. 12

Invite + Pray +  Encourage + Affirm                                        

Text Box: Happy Birthday To: Bottom Left: Cong Vu and Bottom Right: Victorino Lorezca  Seminarian(s): Top Left: Morris Lauwereins,  Tom Walters, Lorraine Hoffner, Alicia Contreras and Albert Haag. We wish you all a very Happy Birthday!

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Text Box: Reminder of our Bishop’s Farewell Dinner December 9th, 2011 
At the Coronado Country Club 
Social hour Starts at 6:00 PM and 
Dinner is served at 7:00 PM

...It must never be forgotten that one enters the priesthood through the sacrament, Ordination, and this means precisely opening oneself to the action of God, choosing every day to give oneself for him and for the brothers according to the word of the Gospel: "Freely have you received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8).